A piece of audiovisual poetry (very) loosely based on the medieval story of The Pied Piper from Hameln. Far from an adaption of the story as such, this work instead isolates certain images and notions from the story, expands and amplifies them, spiraling off into an associative myth. With particular emphasis on the act of looking and following, the fictive universe is merged with the voyeuristic aspect of spectatorship. The text consistently addresses the audience as a you,
through imperative descriptions of events characterized by passivity through abject fantasies or witnessing of strange, fatal scenarios. Through insistent sensory stimulation the audience is pushed towards a hypnotic state where the theater’s capacity for manipulation is put to the forefront. The space is organized in a strictly frontal manner, the set design consists of a row of multiple semi-transparent veils producing a confusion of depth and flatness. This compound of
empty canvases conceals, shifts and reveals invasive parasites, dubious prophecies, birds and cavities.

By: Olof Runsten och Johanna Malm
Concept, text and acting: Johanna Malm
Concept, text and directing: Olof Runsten 
Animation: Maja Korpi 
Sound design: Christoffer Lloyd
A bird: Clara Nergårdh 

Produced by Interim ab in collaboration with Skogen (Göteborg), Inter Arts Center (Malmö) and Turteatern (Stockholm)
